LCA Expected Student Outcomes
The exemplary graduate of Legacy Christian Academy is a committed, Christ-centered servant leader, grounded in the Biblical Worldview and leads a life that reflects Christian character in all dimensions of his/her being.
The Legacy Christian Academy policy of Expected Student Outcomes, the LCA Ends, reflects our Mission and Vision.
Spiritual Formation
Students will understand and experience a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord as revealed in Scripture and modeled by their teachers and staff. Students will have a visible testimony, act appropriately for social issues, make appropriate application of Biblical principles in all relationships and leave Legacy inspirited with a heart to share the Gospel with others through word and deed as they mature in their walk with Christ and contribute to the Great Commission.
Worldview Establishment
Students will understand a Biblical worldview and how it shapes every aspect of their life and learning. Through an understanding of apologetics, the student must understand the differences between the world’s culture and God’s worldview through application of Biblical principles. Students will be able to internalize and apply this knowledge as they advance and defend the Gospel in High School and beyond.
Academic Thinking
Students evidence learning across disciplines, demonstrate a proficiency in transforming learning from one subject to another, utilize mature critical thinking skills, demonstrate an ability to think logically, be able to evaluate a variety of issues and use multiple and unique strategies in developing solutions that justify their conclusions from a Biblical perspective.
Social Skill Development
Students utilize a variety of resources including technology to develop and evaluate information, demonstrate an ability to develop thoughtful questions in problem solving, engage their community responsibly both politically and socially, and evidence an attitude of responsible stewardship of Creation, life, time, finances, and material goods.
Physical Health
Students engage a variety of resources to maintain and honor the gift of life that God has given them. They understand and practice healthy life practices.